Perfect for individuals, party activities & teambuilding events

Get the price EXPLANATION here!

During this workshop, you will go through several ways and tools which can be used to identify, accept and express strong emotions (negative & positive).

By the end of this session, you will have a series of self-portraits in different graphic techniques, the ability to use the acquired knowledge on a daily basis and certificates of participation.


React and Share:n virkistyspäivä, Helsinki

“What an inspiring way to do Team Building!

Thanks to RitiHomes art session we all discovered a Picasso inside of us and were left with our own unique pieces of art and a lot to discuss with our colleagues.”

Healing and self-growth take perseverance and patience.
The process of learning how to make origami combined with positive self-reinforcement settles the right mindset for personal growth.


Luova aktiviteetti perheelle ja ystäville,

“Taidepaja oli toteutettu ammattitaitoisesti.

Olit miettinyt tarkkaan rakenteen, niin että sait meidät vapautumaan ja tuntemaan onnistumisen kokemuksia. Pidin siitä, miten aloitimme työskentelyn sekundäärisellä kädellä, tunne rohkaisi jatkamaan ilman minkäänlaisia paineita osaamisesta.
Läsnäolosi ja positiivisuutesi oli käsin kosketeltavaa. Kohtasit ja rohkaisit meitä jokaista.
Pala taidehistoriaa oli osuvasti sisällytetty pakettiin ja eri tekniikoita pääsi myös kokeilemaan. Luulen, että pipetillä piirtäminen oli monelle uusi kokemus.”

An alter ego (Latin for “other I”, “doppelgänger”) means an alternative self.
Alter ego can also refer to the second, hidden side of one’s own self. A well thought out alter ego can help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

It can allow you to step out of the box that you’ve created for yourself and do something that’s totally out of character for you. Your alter ego can help you get out of your own way.
The aim is to present yourself, but not too seriously. It is you and not you at the same time. Don’t worry, there is no right or wrong way to do this.

Experiment and have fun.

There is something curious on your mind?
Awesome idea for an art piece or an event. It can be anything. If you can imagine it – you can create it! And I’m here to help you on this journey.

Just send me a message, using the form below, and I will contact you fast as a spring wind 🙂

Let’s start this creative process together!

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